Peter Moore Consulting provides the Enterprise Risk Management System Survey, a unique benchmarking service. It carried this out through a secure online form available to clients and potential clients to benchmark their enterprise risk management activities. This includes their policies, frameworks, systems, processes, maturity, and integration of risk management into their organisation. The benchmarking is carried out against industry best practices and the international standard for risk management, AS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management - Guidelines. This helps our clients assess the gaps between their current risk management practices and their desired goals, and understand how it adds value to their organisation.
The form, Enterprise Risk Management System Survey is available online and is a secure document. Peter Moore Consulting uses 128 bit SSL encrypted browser access ustilising the HTTPS format in the browser. Furthermore, Peter Moore Consulting encrypts each form with an encryption key that is only accessible to us. This protects client information and data as Peter Moore can only decrypt the form Consulting.
To access the survey form, click here:
Once the form is completed and submitted online, Peter Moore Consulting provides clients with a report on their organisation's performance against best practice and industry standards. It helps pinpoint areas to improve risk management and achieve goals. The report is free and made available within 48 hour of the submission of the benchmarking form. Should clients require advice regarding measures which may be appropriate to improve their risk management system, Peter Moore Consulting can provide this advice through findings and recommendations made after reviewing the submitted form and based upon the client’s current and desired level of risk management maturity and integration into their organisation.
Peter Moore Consulting provides a link via our web site or direct to our client’s email address. Once the form is opened the questions are then answered across seven domains with a total of 66 questions. Each section from A to G is required to be competed, however individual questions may be passed within each section (if the answers are unavailable during the completion process).
Upon completing the form, clients either sign the document using a mouse, if completing it on a computer, or with a touch pen or the finger if using a tablet.
Once the form has been completed the Submit button is depressed and Captcha code appears. Once done, the form is sent in a secured manner to Peter Moore Consulting. The outcome of the form is then sent back to the client within 24-48 hours. An example of the output document is available in pdf format on the section marked ERMSS Survey Output Example below.
This document is an example of the output from the Enterprise Risk Management Survey. The content is for illustrative purposes only.
Example Enterprise Risk Management Survey Ouput (pdf)